Friday, February 18, 2011

Update - Week 6

Things are coming along very nicely.  I came to the realization that I shouldn't oil my hair daily.  I had been using EVO daily but the buildup was getting horrible.  It has been about 2 weeks since my re-twist and wash and I'm seeing about a 1/4" of new growth. I'm starting to bud so that's a good thing!  This week I made my own EVO, water & rosemary mix and I'm loving that.  I sprayed pretty heavy last night and walked with a shower cap on for about 3 hours.  My hair feels so soft now.  Love it!



Long day at work!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First wash!!!

I had my first "real" wash this week.  I was using a lather less shampoo as needed but it didn't give the refresh you get from a real shampoo wash.  For pre-wash I coated my hair with a Motions brand conditioner mixed with EVOO, Aloe Vera gel, and Jojoba oil.  I covered it with a shower cap let sit in my hair for about 2 hours.  After the pretreatment I washed my hair with Palmers Olive Oil shampoo.  Not exactly what I "should" use but its what I have.  After washing I did an ACV rinse and let that sit for about 15 minutes.  After rinsing I immediately noticed my hair was refreshed and clean.  I had a lot of unraveling so re-twist was a definite yes.

Post Wash.  

 This is not lint, just the flash catching the oils.  

 I did some interlocking previously but found it too time consuming.  I was able to palm roll my entire head in about 2.5 hours.  I use Organic Root Stimulator's Twist & Lock Gel.  

I tend to do my hair in spurts and since today was a snow day I had more time than usual!